Bolivia Illimani

Bolivia Illimani

from $28.55

Origin: Bolivia

Farm: Illimani

Region: Caranavi

Varietal: Catuai, Typica

Altitude: 1350-1740 masl

Process: Washed

Profile: Light Roast

Notes: Peach Tea, Cherry, Smooth, Golden Raisins

The community of Illimani is located near the base of the snow-capped mountain that shares the same name. The Aymaras, who still live in the area, named it Illimani - meaning “where the sun rises.” The mountain snow forms all of the rivers and lagoons which are vital to teh Aymara communities and their crops, such as coffee.

* We guarantee shipping of the freshest roast date available, which may/may not be on the same date as your order. Ships with 1-3 Day Priority Mail USPS. No refunds will be given.

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